Automated Email Signature

What’s going on?

We want to look professional and consistent while proudly displaying our brand when we communicate internally with other T-ROCers, our vendor partners, our customers, and new employee candidates.

As T-ROC has grown, we’ve invested a lot of time and energy to grow our brand, too. Last year, we changed our name to The Revenue Optimization Companies, updated our logos, and started an extensive social media campaign. Thanks to our awesome employees, we’re growing up so we need to consistently represent the impressive company we’ve become!

What do the new T-ROC signatures look like?

Our system will automatically populate your email signature at the bottom of your email messages based on the T-ROC division you work for (i.e., T-ROC, TRO, MSO, TCI, SYMBITS, Let’s Talk).

The auto-email signature will feature your division’s logo on the left and your personal contact information to the right of the logo. Your contact information will automatically populate from your ADP record and will include your name, title, T-ROC office address, work phone number(s) and work email address.

Small social media icons for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Snapchat will also appear under the logo to support our ongoing involvement in social media.

In the future, these auto-email signatures may also push messages to briefly support campaigns, awards or initiatives that are current at any given time. More to come on that later.

What if I want to include the logo from the sales division I work for (ie, T-Mobile, AT&T, Walmart, etc.) in my auto-email signature?

T-ROC adheres to the guidance and requirements of our partners. In most cases, we are not allowed to include our partners’ logos in our email signatures. Three of our partners (AT&T, Cricket and Sprint Small Business) require us to use their logos so we are working with them to get those email signatures approved and created. Otherwise, the logo that will appear in your email signature coincides with the T-ROC division you currently work for.

Here’s how to get started: